Thursday, October 16, 2008

What does a dream mean?

Okay, so last night I dreamt that I drowned in my washing machine!

Don't Laugh!

So, in my dream, I was loading clothes into the washing machine! I was wondering how much room was left in the washing machine, to know how much more clothes to put in there. I push my arms, for some reason both of them in there deep! And because I am short my legs went up in the air! Then the wet clothes started sucking me in! And I drowned! I woke up gasping for air, trying to get out!

I know I have been doing alot of laundry lately! I do alot usually because we have a six person family! But getting all of the clothes packed up and organize has been alot!


Kelly said...

So sorry, but I'm laughing. I love you!

Anonymous said...

That's a total mommy anxiety dream. All the way.