Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Word Wednesday!

I changed the title because I can never stop writing stuff on Wordless Wednesday!

So everyone knows that I am a mean mom! I do not like for my kids to have candy! I am the mom that wants to give out apples at Halloween! But Jon brings me back to reality that the kids would be disappointed! That people would think we were weird!

So I had to pick up some pictures at CVS and Sadie grabbed some gum right as we were checking out! Oh, how I love those marketers that know that is how they sell product! Anyway, I had my hands full with Rowan and paying for the pictures! So, Sadie got her gum!

This is what it looks like when you give a two year old a pack of gum! I told her to eat one piece!

She finished the whole pack by the time we got home! I hope she won't get sick!!!

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