Monday, August 18, 2008

Things I want to learn/do.....

1. I want to learn how to sew! I need to learn basic skills and move myself up to complex sewing!

2. I want to get my concealed weapons permit! I am soon going to be able to pack heat, so watch out!

3. I want to learn how to snow ski! I have never been! My father said I will not be able to with a broken tailbone!

4. I want to finish my degree in Elementary Education. All I have left is student teaching. But Carpenter came, then Sadie, then Rowan. So this goal is a few years out!

5. I want to live a more organized home life! My house is always in chaos! Kids are great, just don't have time to get everything done!

These are just 5 of many!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

We should learn to sew together. Find a free class or something.
(Like we have time for that!!)