Saturday, January 5, 2008

Potty Training He**

Last night Jon and I ran to Babies R Us to find the thick underwear's for the kids. I thought the kids were ready! Carpenter went pee pee in the potty several times yesterday. And Sadie tells me every time after she goes. So I was hoping with a little adjustment she would be ready. I was so excited that today was the big day. I was up with Rowan at 5am. Carpenter woke up at 6am. I took him immediately to the potty, cheers everything was going well. I then put his clothes on him and his new underwear. We went through 11 pairs of underwear between Sadie and Carpenter. Carpenter would pee on the potty and also in his pants. Sadie would not! She only peed in her pants. At 9:38am I gave up! I didn't want to give up! I am hugely disappointed! But they kept wetting their pants. I took them to the potty every 30 minutes. Some books say take them every 30 minutes, some even every hour. I don't really remember potty training Marley. Marley was very easy to potty train and would hold it all night. I don't remember having to take her every 30 minutes. She would get in trouble for holding it too long.

So I had to give up. With breastfeeding and Jon gone to the office to work. I would be alone to potty train two kids by myself. I wanted to continue to try but literally I couldn't do it. I was getting frustrated, which they can sense. They were getting tired of going to the potty a bunch.

The funny thing is that as soon as I put diapers back on them. They both asked to go pee pee and they both went! Why? Why do you want to go pee pee now with a diaper on? Why not when you were wearing your big girl/boy pants?

So I am in a foul mood. I knew it was going to be hard! I did not expect to give up! I will try again! I am just praying about it going better next time. I am still going to take them to the potty with diapers on. I have all the wet underwear's in the washer!

Hopefully the day will get better. And I will get past the disappointment. I think I may be more disappointed in myself that I didn't stick with it longer!


Annie said...

I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but my pediatrician said that kids' bladders mature at different rates. She told me not to push Hannah if she wasn't ready. I know I can't even relate to having 3 in diapers. Everytime I buy a pack of $20 pampers, I swear it's the last time. This week Hannah sat on the toilet and then got up just to poop in her pants. I was not happy with her. I responded to her like I would to the dog and then I felt bad! (I mean, I didn't rub her nose in it, but I did tell her it was bad) Anyway, good luck to you!

Long's Joyful Journey said...

I know everyone's bladder works at different rates. I thought they were ready. They used the potty a bunch when they were in their diapers for the rest of the day! I never used pull ups with Marley, but I may use it with Sadie and Carpenter. Thanks for letting me know how yall are doing. I hope your potty training goes well! Keep me posted!