Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday Thirteen Baby Quiz

So let's see who knows the most about the Long babies! Good Luck! Can't wait to see the winner!
Please answer the questions with:
a. marley
b. carpenter
c. sadie
d. rowan

1. Who had to stay in the NICU for 24 days?

2. Who had the hiccups when they were being born?

3. Who was almost delivered by a nurse? Hint there are two babies!

4. Who was our smallest baby?

5. Who was our largest baby?

6. Who was I not one day sick with?

7. Who did I have gestational diabetes with?

8. Who was delivered by Dr. Bailey? The other 3 were delivered by the same doc. Extra points if anyone knows the name of the other doc. Sorry the grandparents may be the only one who knows that extra one!

9. Which baby caused Jonathan to pass out?

10. Which baby had acid reflux and a milk allergy?

11. Which baby did I pump for a year with?

12. Which two babies were induced?

13. Which baby was the cutest!?!


Annie said...

I am sure I am going to be WAY off, but I will take a guess.
1. b
2. a
3. c and d
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. a
12.a and d
13. a,b,c,d

Roxann said...

I'm getting old and so is my memory so here goes:
1. b
2. a
3. a,c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. b, d (could be c, d)
13. a, b, c, d

Kelly said...

1. Carpenter
2. Marley
3. Marley and Carpenter?
4. Carpenter
5. Rowan
6. Marley
7. Rowan
8. I have no idea about this one
9. Marley!
10. Sadie
11. Carpenter
12. Rowan and Sadie
13. All of them! :-)

This was very tricky!! Post answers soon!