Monday, December 10, 2007

A Star is Born!

Marley did absolutely wonderful in the play "the Best Christmas Pageant Ever!" Thank you to Meme, Papa, Gran, Pop-Pop, Amy, Lee, Missy, Bailey, and Kyle who came to see Marley perform! She appreciated their support. The play went really well! The children of Fountain Inn really do have talent! Marley can't wait to do another one! She was so excited on Friday, I couldn't get her to eat anything for supper. She kept asking how much longer it would be! Marley told here Meme that she was nervous and sad. She told Meme she was sad because she would miss spending time with her friends.

We went to Marley's play on Friday night and Sunday afternoon. We went to DSFAG Christmas party on Saturday night. Our weekend was packed! And tonight Marley has her chorus concert!

At the DSFAG Christmas Party, Carpenter pitched a fit! A real tantrum! It was embarrassing. He has never really acted out as bad as he did. Hopefully it is just a stage he is going through and will be over soon. Consistent Discipline, is the key.

On Sunday evening, I came home from a quick trip to the store. I found Marley, Carpenter, and Sadie playing in a pile of leaves that Jonathan had raked up. It was a sweet moment to come home to. Marley was singing "Let it Snow" while dropping leaves on the kids heads. They loved it! IT was wonderful seeing everyone happy and playing together.

Later that night, we tried Christmas pic attempt number two. I don't even attempt to try and get everyone to smile. I just try to get everyone to look in the same direction with out a weird face. I got a pic, it's not perfect, but I am satisfied!

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