Monday, December 17, 2007

Come On In Boys, The Water Is Fine

Sorry a little line from Oh Brother, Where Art Thou. Marley got baptised on Sunday night! It was so wonderful being able to watch your first born get baptised. When we first were talking to Marley about baptisim, she said "don't I need to be a better swimmer first?" Marley became brave and walked down the isle two weeks ago. Not that it was a far walk, we sit on the third isle from the front on the right. But she got up enough nerve. She was overwhelmed with support from the church after the service! She didn't know when the isle to welcome her would end.

Thank you to Meme, PaPa, Gran, PoP-Pop, and Milli who came to support Marley. And thank-you to all our friends and family who have prayed for this moment. Please continue to pray for Marley to follow God's will for her life.

Side note: If I had know for sure she was going to "go down front" I wouldn't have worn blue jeans that morning. Sunday mornings at my house are kind of hectic getting everybody ready. I give all the kids a bath on Sunday mornings. So by the time I need to get myself ready there is none left.


Megan said...

Hi! My name is Megan. I enjoy looking at your blog at reading about your family! Praise the Lord Marly!! God Bless!!

P.S.~ I can't see the pictures. (:

Long's Joyful Journey said...

I am not sure what is wrong with the pics. I am going to try to fix them.