Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Potty Training

This is more of a ramble. I am starting on potty training Carpenter and Sadie. Marley was so easy to potty train. Does anyone have any suggestions about potty training a boy. Truthfully, I have no idea. I wasn't raised around boys. I mean I know of the Cheerios trick. My question I guess is more on the mechanics of how to start. Stand up? Start off first sitting down? So I would appreciate any suggestions! I need to call and ask my mother-in-law Suzanne and sister-in-law Missy.

Also I have officially started crocheting. I know in all of my spare time! I want to knit a blanket for our baby. We do not know what the sex of the baby is, so color choice was a little hard. Marley has a pink, Carpenter has blue, and Sadie has a green blanket. I ended up choosing the multi-color "Fiesta!" It will be good for a boy or girl and is Fall colors. I will take some pictures of my progress. Right now I am at the end of a row and don't know what to do next. I am awaiting further instruction from my mom. I told Marley that my goal is to make everyone in our family matching sweaters for our Christmas pictures! She would die of embarrassment! Is matching toboggans okay?

No new pics. So here are some random cute ones!


Elizabeth said...

Hey Stacey! You know I have never potty trained a child, but I know with my nephew, they started off teaching him to sit down and hold it down between his legs. They would just tell him to point it towards the water. Once he mastered that (and telling them when he needed to go), he started standing up. He still makes a mess sometimes though. But he IS a boy!

Kelly said...

You have WAY more patience than I do...potty training 2 at one time! I haven't even started with Caroline yet! (But it is TIME, the poor child brings me her diapers and asks to be changed!!)

Annie said...

To me, potty training is one of the scarest things about parenting. HG is ready too, but I keep putting it off b/c I know we need to make it for a time when we don't leave the house for a few days. At this rate, she may never be potty trained. :)
Good Luck to you!