Funny quotes:
We were over at Gran's house, and Sadie backed up to Gran. She said "you want me to poot on you?" We all died laughing. I guess she has been listening to her father!
I was trying to get the kids out of the car earlier this week and it was raining. I had just ran inside with Rowan, and dropped him off on the couch. I ran out to get Sadie and Carpenter. I had Sadie on my right hip, waiting for Carpenter to come get on the other, to get them in the house. We'll Carpenter didn't want to come to me. I was getting pretty upset. Sadie and I were getting soaked. So I did the counting to three game. And Carpenter did not come on three. So I said in my not so happy voice "Come here NOW, Carpenter, we are getting soaked!" Carpenter just looked at me and said, clear as day, "Mean Momma!" So I laughed. He has never said "mean" before! And I was proud of him for putting it together. Any of the other kids would have been lectured. But I was proud he put that describing word on there, as unpleasant as it was.
Last weekend, some of the kids had a stomach bug. Plus on top of that, my dryer broke, the heating element went out! So I want to say a special thank you to Pop-Pop for fixing it! Stomach bug and broken dryer is not a good combination! We missed Carpenter's Christmas party at the MC, the Down Syndrome Christmas Party, and church!
Marley had her Christmas concert on Monday night! It went really well!
Carpenter had his Christmas program at FIFBC on Friday! It went really well! I got in the middle of the row to film. He saw me. "Hi Momma," then gave me the figure up to the lip, to tell me to be quiet! When he saw Gran, he got really excited. He repeated "Bran" an million times. Still working on those G's! Carpenter was dressed like a cute snowman!
Carpenter and his "Bran"
Rowan dancing
Sadie had her Christmas program on Friday also. I couldn't figure out why she wasn't singing! She know all the songs. My favorite is "Feliz Navidad!" Children's pronunciations on that song are hilarious. Anyway, back to the concert, I quickly found out why she wasn't singing when she stood up. She had an accident! I felt terrible for her. There were so many kids and parents cramped into a small room. I bet she felt overwhelmed to tell someone she needed to go to the bathroom. She has not had an accident in forever.
not so happy face
Last night, I got to go see the Nutcracker with Marley, Milli, and Traci. We went out to eat dinner at Trios and then onto the Peace Center. It was great to go out to dinner and not have to share my food or take someone to the restroom! We all had a memorable night thanks to Milli! I was impressed that Anne took her whole family! I should have taken a family pic!
Marley and Milli
Milli and Mrs. Traci
Myself and Marley
Marley and Milli