Friday, August 10, 2007

Gestational Diabetes! and family stuff!

Everything seems to be going well with my G.D. I am on a strict diet and have to eat 6 times a day. I also have to test my blood 4 times a day! This is really not too bad! Just as long as I don't have to give myself shots! I mean I would if I had to, but don't want to! But I will have to check my blood sugar levels 2-3 weeks after delivery also. The hardest part for me is eating six times a day! I just have no desire to eat, but I am! I couldn't sleep for like 2 nights after I was told about my G.D. I was worried that I would have this huge baby! And that I wouldn't be able to have it, and would have to have a C-Section!

Update on Family:
Marley has started back at dance! She loves being with her friends and dancing with Mrs. Erica! Marley wants me to tell everybody that her Gran and Pop-Pop got her a Webkinz! She loves the stuffed animal and playing the games on the computer. She hasn't been home much this week due to her social calender. She is spending the last few days before school starts with her friends.

Carpenter loves to sing. I will have to post a video of it! He also loves going outside, but it has been extremely hot! We have been going out early in the morning! Which is no problem because he wakes up sooo early! Carpenter has cried every time Marley has left with her friends! He misses his big sissy! Carpenter had his hair cut! It needed it badly! As soon as Jon got a little money, I spent it on a hair cut! You have to take boys all of the time!

Sadie is just plain funny. She was climbing all over the couch, and getting in trouble. I finally had had enough and asked her if she wanted a spanking. And she said "Yeah, Yeah!" Like a spanking would be a good idea! She just doesn't care if we spank her! We are definitely having to watch what we say around her, she is repeating everything! Sadie needs a hair cut but I am not ready yet. Yes, she is starting to get a mullet! But if I get it trimmed that means she is growing up! I will get it done! I feel sorry for the hair stylist that has to make her stay still!

Jonathan sold his first house with partners Lee(brother) and Tim. I just wanted to show you all pics of it!


Elizabeth said...

Wow! That house is beautiful! It's great to catch up on how you and the family are doing!

Kelly said...

I'm glad things are going well with your gestational diabetes. PLEASE don't forget to eat!! :-)
It's great to hear about your kids. I think about them all the time.
Tell Jon I'm ready for him to build me a house! That one was georgous!!!!!