Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Life With 4 Children

Thank you to everyone for the prayers and words of support! Everything seems to be going well. It is back to the usual busy schedule of the Long family. I am the taxi driver and I love every minute of it!

Rowan is doing so well! He is eating a whole bunch. More than any of my other babies! He gained a pound and grew an inch in 2 weeks! He is still in the eating/sleeping stage but I talk to him as much as I can when he is awake. Everyone loves to hold Rowan. Carpenter and Sadie kiss him on the top of his head all of the time. Whenever Rowan cries(which he doesn't do often) Sadie says "Uhhhh- Ohhhh!!!"(this is in a loud yell, which is her normal voice tone). Marley is a wonderful help, I don't know what I would do without her!

For everyone out there who will have another baby, keep the sex of the baby a surprise. I can not tell you how wonderful and exciting it was in the delivery room. I was so excited to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Jon was dying to know! It was just a really special moment that I would recommend to anyone! I can't even describe the feeling.

Jonathan came up with the name Rowan about a week before his birth! And it was a name that we both liked! I was shocked because I usually like to come up with the names. I came up with Marley and Carpenter. And Jon came up with Sadie and Rowan, so I guess it is fair! Then, Rowan's middle name Calvin is after my late grandfather, John Calvin Owens.

Please pray that I will be able to give each of the children special time of their own as well as wonderful family time together. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, it is what Jon and I have dreamed and prayed about. We wanted to have a big family. We love seeing God's children grow and seeing their personalities develop. Jon and I were talking about "our" children last night and that their not ours their God's. And how exciting it is to pray for them and how we can't wait for all of them to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. And to see how they grow spiritually and learn to serve God where He sees fit. What a blessing children truly are from the Lord!


Kelly said...

I love the picture of your boys!
You and Jon are awesome at your job as parents. God knew what He was doing when he placed those 4 beautiful children in your care! You are an inspiration to us all!

Elizabeth said...

Your children are all so precious!

The Pettigrew's said...

I only have heard about your mothering skills through Kelly and you are just amazing. I enjoy reading your blog and your stories about the kids are wonderful. You should be an inspiration to all mothers. You have done very well with your family and God is proud of the children you and Jon are raising! I hope I can do the same with Tucker.
Thanks for sharing your Joyful Journey's.
Sheldon and Tucker Pettigrew