Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Disability Ghost

Sorry, I haven't blogged in a while. My life has been filled with kids being up all night and taking kids to different places!

There is this thing that hits me out of the middle of no where. It can come at me in the middle of the night, while I am making a huge breakfast for my family, picking up kids from school! On Monday, I got Carpenter's progress report at school. It was from his teacher's and therapists. I was totally upset. Carpenter's report did not come back as good as I had hoped for. I was disappointed, cried, and was upset all day long. At the Meyer Center, Carpenter just doesn't seem to be showing the teachers/therapist his personality. And it upsets me! I want them to see my son, and to love him and his adorable personality. He is not saying much. The fact that some of them thought he was non-verbal really upset me! I just feel like I am doing him a disservice. I currently only have SI in the home. Not many company's have in house therapy anymore. And I am not taking him to therapy outside the MC. I sometimes feel like I am on this journey alone. I bare the burden for the responsibility of Carpenter. I ache about his future!

The disability ghost hits me out of no where. This report has just set me off this week! I can be making some scrambled eggs and I get this overwhelming feeling about Carpenter's future. What will it hold? What will it be like for him? Honestly, I am terrified! I am crying about it now! I thought deciding on preschool was hard, but next is elementary school, but what about high school? I always keep these assaults by the ghost to myself. No one wants to see me cry and may not understand why. I seek comfort but am unable to obtain it because I don't share my concerns.

I am panicking about Carpenter's speech so much. I constantly pray about it! When we read together, or when he is with his therapist/teachers, I can feel the inside of my body urging him to use his words. It gets so frustrating not being able to understand what he is saying to me. I pray that he will talk so much, using words everyone can understand, that I have to tell him to shut-up!

When you meet parents of children with disabilities, there are two powerful phrases: normal and high functioning. Those words can make you cry from lack of or make you happy from your children doing so well! Of course you want your child "high functioning" but what if that is not to be!?! Every parent says these words, is it to make you feel better, so people will not judge your children? Is it to protect them? To rub it in?

I will write something happier later. When I have use of the laptop!


Chris said...

We always are praying for you !!!!



The Pettigrew's said...

I pray for your strength Stacey. God gave you Carpenter because he knew you could do it. I know you will always do what is best for him and you will make his life the most rewarding for him. There is so much that he can do, disabled or not. Keep up the hard work and keep working with him. It will happen. God bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

Stacey, I'm sure all moms of children with special needs feel this way every now and then. I know I do.

Also, I really like your analogy of disability as a ghost. Because that is how it is, really. Your worries and concerns are always there, but you only really see and feel them sometimes. And when you can see and feel them, they're haunting, and frightening, and ever-present.

Remember I'm here if you need someone to talk to! I understand.

Kelly said...

I love you so much! Your post was so beautiful, well written, and heartfelt. I know it was hard for you to write all of your insecurities for the world to see, but I hope it helped you to reach some healing. You are an amazing mother. God knew exactly whose hands to place sweet Carpenter in. Please know that you aren't in this alone. I am here for you always. There are so many things I don't know or understand about the ins and outs of DS, but I do know how to listen and to love! Call me any time. You know I'll drop it all for you!

Medic Mom said...

I can't even begin to imagine what you deal with daily!! I have no words of encouragement, as I don't know what to say to make you feel better. Just know that I am praying for you - your kids are beautiful: ALL OF THEM!!!!! You are doing such a good job.